Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Grace in Small Things: 68 of 365

  1. Seeing a blackbird with a strawberry, valliantly attempting to half carry it and half eat it

  2. Hopefully sorting out my UCAS connection issue at work... fingers crossed...

  3. Cuddling with Bertie curled up on Lottie's bed

  4. Matching underwear

  5. Floopy sleeves on my top

Today (well, last night) was harder than it should have been. I've struggled the last few days after having such an awesome Saturday (day 65) it's all been a bit downhill. I'm paying hard for having such an out and about day, and I'm cross about it, and feeling rather down in the dumps in general. It's still very useful to be doing this I think - I have time to sit and think good, happy thoughts every day rather than letting myself wallow horribly for weeks! Over 2 months now, how pleasing :)

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